Diana Fireplace Back Plate

Goddess of hunting, also protector of animals of the forest, especially the young animals. She experienced great pleasure in hunting, but took care that she did not kill more animals than could be eaten
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Classification: ***: Very good condition, limited wear given the age and use. **: Clear signs of wear and possible structural problems including small instabilities. Still well suited for use in an open fireplace. *: Structural instability that hinders function other than decorative. For example, open fireplace tongs with a loose mechanism so that the ends can overlap. A fireback in this classification can still be used in a gas fireplace or as a backsplash. Should you want additional information about the quality or the classification of a specific fireplace accessory, do not hesitate to ask.

Age18/19th century
Width55.5 cm | 21.9 inches
Height56.0 cm | 22.0 inches
Depth 1.5 cm | 0.6 inches
Weight23 kg | 51 lbs
MaterialsCast iron

If an old or antique fireplace accessory has a nice brown patina of rust, we tend to preserve that; thus the items remains brown. In all other instances, our firebacks and andirons have been treated with stove polish and thereby have a black/greyish color. If you prefer to have a black-colored fireback or pair of andirons, we can deliver any brown fireback or pair of andirons in black. Yet, a black fireplace accessory cannot be delivered in brown. Realize that a fireback in use in a fireplace will get black in its central section regardless.
